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XBeach Basic Modeling ($725)

Basic course in Morphodynamic Modelling during Storm

725 US dollars
MS Teams

Service Description

XBeach is an open-source software package developed jointly by IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Delft University of Technology and Deltares. It can compute the hydrodynamics and morphological change on sandy, gravel, coral, vegetated and urbanized coasts under daily and extreme conditions. Course objective On the XBeach course, programme attendees will gain basic theoretical understanding on XBeach capabilities and functionalities. Moreover, attendees will learn how to apply the software for research or consultancy studies to simulate morphodynamics during storm conditions with XBeach-surfbeat. Theoretical: attendees understand • the differences between the three hydrodynamic modes of XBeach: stationary, surfbeat and non-hydrostatic; • the background of the surfbeat mode and main (other) hydro- and morphodynamic formulations needed to simulate dune erosion and overwash; the possibilities of more advanced applications (e.g. coral reefs, gravel & vegetated coasts, port hydrodynamics and ships waves). Practical: attendees will know • what the input and output of XBeach looks like and how this can be used to answer practical questions in research/consultancy; • how to create an XBeach-surfbeat model from scratch to simulate nearshore hydro- and morphodynamics during storm conditions. Who should participate This course is aimed at project engineers, researchers, PhD students with a basic background in programming (e.g. Matlab / Python) and modeling. Online format In preparation of the training, we’ll send you all the material and will ask you to install the stand-alone XBeach on your own machine. While attending the training, it will be essential that you have a sufficiently fast internet connection to support a video call, as well as a headset. The use of Windows is required for the XBeach course. Online course dates Session 1: April 16, 2024, 09:00 PDT (12:00 EDT) until 13:00 PDT (16:00 EDT) Session 2: April 18, 2024, 09:00 PDT (12:00 EDT) until 13:00 PDT (16:00 EDT) Instructors: Ellen Quataert

Contact Details

8601 Georgia Avenue #508, Silver Spring, MD 20910 8601 Georgia Avenue #508, Silver Spring

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